
10 Surprising Human Body Facts

10 Surprising Human Body Facts

Human body is a mysterious creation of GOD. There are many interesting facts you don’t know about this mysterious thing. Here are 10 of them.

01.  Taller In The Morning.
Human are nearly 1 cm taller in the morning than the evening. It’s because during normal activities during the day the cartilage in our knees and other areas slowly compress, but when you go to sleep and rest the cartilage goes back to normal.

02.  Sensitivity Of Fingers.

Human fingers are so sensitive, that if your fingers were the size of Earth, you could feel the difference between a house and a car.

 03. Power Of Eyes.

Human eyes are so powerful that if the earth was flat, you could spot a lit candle from 30 miles away.

04. DNA Similarity.

Human DNA is 50% similar to banana.

05. Monthly Replacement Of Outer Skin.

Humans completely replace their outer skin every month with continuous replacement of skin cells.

06. Travel Of Blood.

Human blood travels 12,000 miles around the body per day.

07. Oxygen & Calorie Consumption Of Brain.

The human brain uses 20% of the entire body’s oxygen and calorie intake, despite only accounting for about 2% of an adult’s body mass.

08. Growing Rate Of Nails.

Each finger and toenail takes six months to grow from base to tip.

09. Eye Movement.

The focusing muscles of the eyes move around 100,000 times a day. To give your leg muscles the same workout, you would need to walk 50 miles every day.

10. Blood Cell Velocity.

 A single blood cell takes only 60 seconds to complete a cycle around the body. 

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