
How to Meet Your Partner’s Need

In a relationship, both parties have needs that have to be met.The reason for most fights is that couples cannot identify each other’s needs.Most people think of sex when the issue of meeting their partner’s needs arise.Here are the vital needs...Emotional support: Your partner should rely on you for support when he or she has been battered by the world outside. He should not come home to criticisms and nagging. Every human being wants to be appreciated. 
Respect: This is the number one need of every human being . If you want to get the best of your partner, respect his or her views and opinions. Show him or her respect in the way you talk. 
Attention: People tend to follow anybody that listens attentively to them. To get the best out of your relationship, you have to be a good listener. 
Security: Your relationship should be a haven. A place where your partner can hide safely from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 
Assurance and Approval: Take out time to pay your partner a compliment. Assure them of your undying love for them.

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