
ISIS is 'everywhere', ISIS Takes Over Syria's ancient city of Palmyra

That's a 26-year-old Syrian's stark observation about ISIS fighters in Palmyra, detailing the terrorist group's swift, destructive takeover of yet another city in the brutal quest to expand its caliphate in the Middle East.The capture of Syria's ancient city threatens a UNESCO World Heritage Site described as having "stood at the crossroads of several civilizations," with its art and architecture mixing Greek, Roman and Persian influences, according to that U.N. group.U.N. and Syrian officials have expressed fears that ISIS will destroy the ruins, just as it flattened the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud and smashed statues in Iraq's Mosul Museum.But Palmyra, also known as Tadmur, isn't just a historical site. It's home to tens of thousands of people, many of whom fear they'll meet the same fate as others ISIS has conquered.They're people like the 26-year-old who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution. He's huddled in a house with 50 others, including his family and neighbors who have lost their homes, and he's worried food will run out while his city is under curfew."The world does not care about us," the Palmyra resident said. "All they are interested in is the stones of ancient Palmyra."After at least 100 Syrian soldiers died in fighting overnight, Syrian warplanes carried out airstrikes Thursday in and around Palmyra, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. But there's no indication that Syrian ground forces will try to take back the city, 150 miles northeast of Damascus, the capital. Nor that any other countries such as the United States will come to the rescue.

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