
What Love is not!!

Love is actually different from lust, but that is not our discussion for today. See what love is not. It will really shock you.
L-O-V-E. This four letter word has been described in many ways by different people. Some say it is a feeling, others say it is perception.
Love has been commercialized, to the extent that ads portray lust to be love.
Love is actually different from lust, but that is not our discussion for today.
See what love is not. It will really shock you.
1. Love is not pity.
2. Love is not envious of the other person's progress.
3. Love is not boastful.
4. Love is not selfish.
5. Love is not proud.
6. Love is not evil.
7. Love is not conditional.
8. Love is not naive.
9. Love is not blind.
10. Love is not jealous.
11. Love is not possessive.
12. Love is not violent.
13. Love is not sex.
14. Love is not temporary.
15. Love is not based only on feelings.
16. Love is not helpless.
17. Love is not domineering.
18. Love is not a promoter of fear.

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