
Mass Wedding in Gaza as 2,000 Couples Weds

Deputy Chief of the Islamic Hamas Movement, Ismail Haneya, on Monday, in Gaza, confirmed that Turkey offered four million dollars to finance mass wedding in Gaza.
He said 2,000 brides and grooms gathered on Sunday at the main Gaza Sports Stadium of al-Yarmuk, accompanied by families and friends, for the mass wedding.

Haneya said Turkey pledged to build 20 housing units comprising 340 apartments during the coming summer.

He said this was an effort to rebuild homes destroyed during last summer’s Israeli military offensive against Gaza.

The wedding party coincided with the five-year commemoration of the Israeli naval attack on the Gaza-bound aid Flotilla, when nine Turkish activists were killed.

The younger generations in Gaza enjoy having mass weddings as they can receive funds to help them establish small businesses from which they can earn a living as they start a new life.

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