"I was very, very young. I did it and I was like, 'Oh, hell no, I cannot do this.' I was a kid. I think I was still a virgin at the time. Being onstage with my boobs out, it was like, 'Oh my god, this is not for me.'"
As she tells it, she tried out stripping as a way to earn some extra money, but, obviously, it didn't work out. However, she tried it again a few years later when she was 18, and things had changed:
"That was the best time of my life! Oh my god, I had so much fun. I really did. All the girls were really cool. The guys weren't allowed to touch you. I was never sexually assaulted or [anything]. I was young, beautiful, I was onstage, I wasn't really ashamed of my body. I made lifelong friends."
She stripped until she was 25, and isn't it nice to hear that she had such a good experience? The sad fact is that many women don't have such a good time, but it's always refreshing to hear about someone feeling good about herself and her body when so many girls are taught, for one reason or another, to feel that shame.
No shame for Amber though:
"I was always about girl power, but I didn't quite get it because I did always feel like I had to be completely submissive to a man. I was always very unhappy doing that. I think I needed time to grow up. You get to a certain point in your life where you really find out who you are, and sometimes that happens when you're 25, but for me, it was 31. I didn't quite know that before. I guess social media did help create the feminist monster that I've become."
Keep all this real talk coming, Amber, because we simply cannot get enough.
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