
North Carolina Shark Attack Victim: 'I Didn't see it Coming'

One of two North Carolina teens injured in a weekend shark attack said he had little warning of what was to come."I didn't see it coming," Hunter Treschl said from his bed at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington.
"I was just in about waist-deep water, playing with my cousin ... and felt this kind of hit on my left leg ... like it was a big fish coming near you or something," the 16-year-old said in a series of videos released by the hospital.
"Then it just kind of hit my arm. That was the first I saw it, when it was biting up my left arm."
Hunter was one of two teens who lost their arms in the waters off Oak Island on Sunday. His arm was amputated below the shoulder.
Thirteen-year-old Kiersten Yow was the first swimmer attacked. She lost her arm at the elbow. The shark also bit her leg.
The two attacks took place about 90 minutes apart.
Kiersten's parents, Brian and Laurie Yow, said in a statement that their daughter was transferred from New Hanover to N.C. Children's Hospital in Chapel Hill on Monday, where"she remains in stable condition and is receiving excellent care."
Her road to recovery will be long and will include surgeries and rehabilitation, they said, "but her doctors at (the University of North Carolina) expect she will keep her leg and for that we are grateful."

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