
Quintessential Business Women Association

Quintessential Business Women Association (QBWA) is a social business enterprise and pressure group focused on the development of community based businesses in the agricultural and solid mineral sector.The Association was inspired by the quest and goal to change the way business is done by and for Nigerian women and youths in order to effectively control the agriculture and solid minerals industry within the next five years.
Shimite Katung is the founder and the National President of QBWA. Prior to this, she had served as the CEO and president of several companies in the media, travel and food segments in the country.



“To make Nigerian women and youths top players in the global market”.


“To connect and support women and youths in business and leadership while maintaining the highest standard of ethics and values”.


· To ensure financial inclusion for our members and lift them above the poverty line.

· To build capacity in form of trainings and empowerment.

· To ensure our members have access to basic needs such as primary health care, housing, savings, pension plans amongst other benefits.

· To secure grants, loans and credit for our members especially through rural financing.

· To provide opportunity for exchange programs and networking under our travel scheme.

· To provide useable database to enable effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out our objectives.

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