
Tattoo Sees Woman Banned From Breastfeeding

A woman has been banned from breastfeeding by a judge who said her tattoo meant she would be exposing her baby to risk of harm.The unidentified Australian woman, 20, had a finger and foot tattooed in May without telling the tattoo artists she was breastfeeding.
The 11-month-old boy's father, who is separated from the mother, took the baby to live with him, claiming the woman had mental health and drug issues.
When the case came before the Federal Circuit Court on 5 June, a judge agreed the woman should be her baby's primary caregiver.
But the judge banned her from breastfeeding due to the risk that she had contracted a blood-borne disease when having her tattoo done, despite her having tested negative for hepatitis and HIV.
She is due to lodge an appeal which will be heard by Sydney's Family Court on Friday but, meanwhile, the Australian Breastfeeding Association said the judgement set a dangerous precedent.
Chief executive Rebecca Naylor told an Australian radio station: "Tattooing is a regulated industry, so if you go to a tattoo parlour that is reputable then the chances (of contracting an infection) are very low,"
"I think unless there's evidence that she has contracted an infection as a result of that tattoo, then it is unreasonable.
"Tattooing in and of itself, as long as it's done in a reputable way and that the infection control procedures are followed, the risk is low and so no, we would absolutely encourage women who have had tattoos to breastfeed their babies for as long as they choose to."

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