
Ronaldo in Japan to Sell Muscle Gadget

A sheepish-looking Cristiano Ronaldo was in Tokyo on Tuesday promoting an electric muscle stimulation machine, a year after he visited to push a smile-enhancing gadget that looked a little like a boomerang.The 30-year-old Real Madrid star emerged onto a Tokyo stage bathed in white smoke and blinding light. Then he just stood there for a while, looking uncomfortable, until he was joined by his sponsor and a translator.
A slick video played on overhead screens showed Ronaldo's well-toned form with the electric muscle toner attached to his torso. The company behind the device claims it is the easy way to achieve that desirable washboard look.
Tuesday's PR event came a year after the Portuguese player was mocked on social media for advertising a face exerciser that users were supposed to grip between their teeth as they nodded their heads to flap its extended arms.
Despite numerous attempts by photographers and by TV talkshow hosts to make him do so, the well-paid superstar refused to put the device in his mouth.
Japan is a common destination for big European or American stars who are paid handsomely to sell products that never see the light of day at home.
In earlier times they were able to keep these promotions hidden from fans in their own country, but the spread of the Internet has now made this all but impossible.

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