
Baby 'Swapped' In Hospital Reunited With Parents

A British man and his wife have been reunited with their baby son after DNA tests confirmed their suspicion that he had been switched at birth in El Salvador.Richard Cushworth and his wife Mercedes Casanellas feared their child could have been exchanged and sold to human traffickers after they became concerned the child they had been given had darker skin.

The couple, who live in the United States, had travelled to Ms Casanellas' native country for the baby's delivery but it was only once she returned to the couple's home in Dallas, Texas, that she noticed the features of her newborn differed from those of the boy doctors handed to her the day after she gave birth in May.
The pair, both missionaries working in El Salvador, returned to the Central American country after a DNA test showed it was unlikely that the boy they were caring for was theirs and family members also expressed doubts.
Their doctor was arrested and appeared in court, but was bailed and protested his innocence.

There were chaotic scenes in the courtroom as Ms Casanellas grabbed at a sheet covering Dr Alejandro Guidos' head and shouted: "Where is my son, doctor? Where is my son?"
Mr Cushworth said: "God has given us this child and somehow, somebody has taken him from us, and we want him back.
"It's a horrible situation for me, for her (his wife), for my family, her family.
"A child is an experience you have for a lifetime. They give you grandchildren. I mean, this is a life-long injury that's very, very deep and it's horrible."
The couple's lawyer, Francisco Meneses, said: "We don't have anything against the people who were involved during the (baby's) birth, but we want all these people to put their hands on their hearts because from the doctor who performed the surgery, the paediatrician, anaesthesiologist, and the two nurses who were in the delivery room, it's very important for them to tell us what happened.
"Also, the people who received the child in nursery."
Shortly afterwards, the pair were finally reunited with their real son.
They later told a news conference that they would also continue to raise the other child.
El Salvador's society of gynaecology and obstetrics has defended the doctor, claiming he could not have been involved in any exchange as he would have handed the child over to a paediatrician and nurses as soon as it was born.

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