
Former Bishop Jailed Over Drink-Drive Death

A former Episcopal bishop who killed a cyclist in Baltimore while drink driving has been jailed for seven years.
Heather Cook, who was once the second highest-ranking Episcopal leader in Maryland, pleaded guilty last month to manslaughter, drunken driving and leaving the scene of an accident.
Her blood-alcohol level was 0.22%, nearly three times the 0.08% limit, and prosecutors said she was texting on her phone when she hit 41-year-old Tom Palermo on 27 December.
The impact threw him on to the bonnet of Cook's car and into the windshield. He died from severe head trauma, leaving behind his wife and two young children.
Cook left the scene for 30 minutes before returning, prosecutors said.
After more than an hour of emotional testimony from members of Mr Palermo's family at the sentencing on Tuesday, Cook addressed them directly for the first time.
She said: "I am so sorry for the pain and agony I have caused. This is my fault and I accept complete responsibility.
"I think about you every day. I often felt I didn't deserve to be alive.
Cook then told the judge: "I believe God is working through this and I trust your judgement."
Cook broke down in the court when Mr Palermo's mother spoke and when a former parishioner testified that she had named her adopted daughter after the former bishop.
Prosecutors had asked for a 10-year sentence, but Baltimore Circuit Judge Timothy Doory handed down a 20-year sentence with all but seven years suspended.
He said: "I hope everyone can begin now to put these events behind us.
"It is, I trust, a situation where everyone can now focus on the future."
Cook resigned from her position as bishop in May, and her credentials were revoked by the Episcopal Church.
Alisa Rock, Mr Palermo's sister-in-law, said the sentence "could have sent a stronger signal that our community takes driving under the influence and driving while distracted seriously".

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