
Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama Bin Laden Reacts To IS Threats

The Navy SEAL who shot dead Osama bin Laden during the raid in Abbottabad in May 2011 has spoken out after he was the subject of apparent death threats from Islamic State. Rob O'Neill had his home address published online earlier this week with a message calling on IS extremists to target him.
The threat was published under the name Umm Hussain Britaniya - one of the aliases used by British jihadi Sally-Anne Jones - and labelled Mr O'Neill a "number one target".
The 39-year-old told Fox News' Hannity show: "I've been ready for this since we killed Osama bin Laden.
"I know how to defend myself.
"A lot of times when there's a bomb threat there's not a bomb. But it's the ones you don't see. So, everyone has to become more vigilant."
He added that the threats should act as a warning for all members of the military and law enforcement that could be targets for extremists.
The Butte-Silver Bow Police Department in Montana said it was "aware and is taking proper precautions", The Montana Standard reported.
The threat, posted on social media, reportedly said: "I leave this info of Robert O'Neill for my brothers in America and Al Qaeda in the US as a number one target to eventually hunt down and kill."
It added that the attack would be revenge for Mr O'Neill "travelling around America putting on seminars boasting about killing Sheikh Osama", the Daily Mirror reported.

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