
US Rapper Kanye West, Asks Amber Rose to apologize to Kim Kardashian

Kanye West has reportedly asked his ex-girlfriend, Amber Rose to beg for his wife, Kim Kardashian's forgiveness before he will ever forgive her for all the negative comments she's said about him.After so many years of feuding, Amber says she's finally ready to let go of all the 'negativity' in her life and that includes the nasty comments her ex beau, Kanye made about her in a radio interview with 'The Breakfast Club'. At her SlutWalk in Los Angeles on October 3, the model said she's forgiven Kanye and thinks she'll be happier.
But a source tells HollywoodLife that Kanye is not ready to do the same unless Amber apologizes for every mean thing she's ever said about Kim.
In case you missed it, Amber got all emotional during her feminist protest telling hundreds of 'walkers' that, “I’ve decided to have this SlutWalk for women who have been through s–t. Even though I am up here crying, I want to be the strong person you all look up to and to apologize for all guys. I want to forgive Kanye about what he said about me. I want to let all of that negativity go.”
Last we checked Amber forgave Kanye and did not apologize to him at the #SlutWalk. So, why does he need to forgive her anyways?

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