
6 Tips to Help Deliver you From the Evil Called “Anger”

Anger is a usual and healthy emotion, which is neither bad nor good. All of us get irritated and lose control from time to time. However, constant anger can seriously harm your health, relationships and life in general.

Chronic anger leads to heart disease, weak immunity and poor productivity. Moreover, explosive anger makes it difficult for others to communicate with you, trust you and just feel comfortable beside you. There are certain techniques and tools that can help handle intense emotions. Here are few of them.

1. Identify the root of your anger

People get angry for a thousand reasons, but very often each angry fit stems from a deep and hidden motive. High levels of stress, tiredness and diseases contribute to your anger. Explosive anger is often the result of unspoken feelings and other emotions.

When people feel vulnerable, hurt or insecure, they often use groundless anger to protect themselves. Learn to understand people’s emotions and try to express your own.

2. Address issues when you’re calm

The best time to speak to your counterpart is when you are calm. If you really want to settle the question you should be ready to an open constructive dialog. Express your feelings and address the issue in a polite but not aggressive way. Remember to avoid generalizing or blaming your partner.

3. Avoid anger triggers

If you know that certain people, subjects or things are likely to get you angry, try to avoid them. Sure, it’s not always a solution, but it increases your chances to stay calm. Hurry to end discussions or change the subject if it’s going to get you down. Avoiding conflict situations is definitely a good way to tame your anger.

4. Work out

Physical activity is one of the best ways to alleviate stress and relieve negative emotions. Workouts reduce the level of stress hormones and promote the production of serotonin, which is responsible for happiness and relaxation.

If you cannot spend an hour in the gym, opt for a brisk walk outside. It will cool your mind and enable you approach the situation more reasonably. Good scalp massages also help to calm down and soothe tension.

5. Talk to someone

If you can talk to a calm, positive and trustworthy person, do it. Suppressing anger is totally unhealthy and harmful, but a straight talk is a good way to relieve your feelings. When discussing the problem, chances are you will see the whole picture and find the way out. So the next time you experience an outburst, talk to someone. If you don’t want to talk to anyone, consider writing a journal on a daily basis.

6. Take a pause before speaking

When you cannot control your emotions it’s easy to say many things that you don’t really mean, but it’s too late. Take a pause and deep breath, look out of the window. It will help you to cool down and weigh your words. A short break enables both you and your opponent to collect your thoughts and carry on a constructive dialog.

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