
Reports Says; Zika Virus May Have Spread To Common Mosquito

Scientists in Brazil believe the devastating Zika virus may have already crossed over to the common mosquito, dramatically increasing the risk of it spreading worldwide.The Brazilian government is already struggling to contain a growing public health disaster.
There are suspicions the mosquito-borne virus is linked to more than 4,000 babies with brain deformities in South America's largest country.
The authorities have called troops out on to the street and deployed teams of health workers to try to combat the spread but so far those at the forefront admit they are nowhere near succeeding.
Up until now, it was thought the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is confined to the tropics, was solely spreading the virus. But scientists at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Recife, Pernambuco State, in the northeast of the country, believe otherwise.
They say they are as little as a month away from confirming that the virus is also being carried and transmitted by the much more common Culex mosquito.
There are 20 times more Culex mosquitos in existence as the Aedes aegypti and they are significantly more widespread - breeding throughout most of the Americas, parts of Africa and Asia - so increasing the chances of the virus spreading.

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