
Mother Teresa to Become a Saint on September 4

Mother Teresa, a nun who dedicated her life to helping the poor in India, will become a saint on September 4, Pope Francis announced Tuesday.The date on which she will be proclaimed a saint falls on the eve of the anniversary of her death, which occurred on September 5, 1997.
In December, Francis announced that Mother Teresa would become a saint after recognizing a second miracle attributed to her: the healing of a Brazilian man with multiple brain tumors after loved ones prayed to her to heal him, the Italian Catholic bishops' association's official newspaper Avvenire reported. That miracle occurred after her death.
The nun was beatified in October 2003 by now deceased Pope John Paul II. He approved a first posthumous miracle.
A 30-year-old woman in Kolkata said she was cured of a stomach tumor after praying to Mother Teresa. A Vatican committee said it could find no scientific explanation for her healing and declared it a miracle.
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania and baptized Gonxha Agnes, the Vatican said in her biography.

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