
See The 5 Ways Diabetes Kills Silently

Diabetes has a devastating effect on virtually every system in the body. This is what sets the stage for a variety of diabetic complications. But, as I will explain, this devastation is largely preventable.Diabetes is a nutritional wasting disease. The elevated blood sugar levels that characterize diabetes cause excessive urination. In fact, diabetes mellitus is taken from two Greek words meaning “to pass through” and “Sugar” referring to excessive glucose-laden urination.
The Kidney Is Negatively Affected High blood sugar levels, which are caused by either lack of insulin or insulin resistance (type 1 or type 2 diabetes, respectively), overwhelm the kidneys’ capacity to reabsorb glucose as well as all water-soluble nutrients. Elevated blood sugar levels essentially act like an osmotic diuretic, washing out virtually everything.

Replacing Lost Vitamins and Minerals Is Critical As a result of these continual nutritional losses, diabetes is the number one cause of blindness, amputation, and kidney failure, and it dramatically increases the risk of both heart attack and stroke.Every time blood sugar rises and urination increases, patients with diabetes lose water, magnesium, zinc, B12, B6, folic acid, and many other nutrients. Although water is replaced by drinking, nothing is done to replenish the water-soluble nutrients that are also swept out.
I believe that if you were to give a healthy person an osmotic diuretic every day without replacing nutrients, they would develop these (and other) diabetic complications.
Nutrient losses occasioned by diabetes and their consequences.

The number one nutrient that is lost through excessive urination is called MAGNESIUM. Low magnesium levels are present in over 75percent of people with diabetes, and even those with levels considered to be “high” for diabetics don’t reach the average levels of the non-diabetic population.

As magnesium levels decrease, glucose control deteriorates because magnesium is essential to normal carbohydrate metabolism. Low levels of magnesium are associated with diabetic retinopathy, and diabetics with the lowest magnesium levels have the greatest risk of going blind.
Low magnesium is also associated with high blood pressure and vasospasm (constriction of blood vessels) as well as cardiovascular disease. Magnesium is involved in glucose transfer across cell membranes and improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control. It also helps decrease oxidative stress.

Another water-soluble nutrient that is flushed from the body, and as a result, of excessive urination is ZINC. Over 60% of diabetics have low zinc levels. Zinc deficiency may impair the immune system, particularly T-cell function, which could lead to more infections and non-healing ulcers.
Zinc deficiency also can cause hair loss as well as diarrhea, which triggers further nutrient losses. All of the components in our natural solution helps to replace lost nutrients as a result of excessive urination. This further explains why our natural diabetes solution is very effective. Click www.healthvitalneeds.com

Another nutrient wasted from the body by diabetes is B vitamins[B6, B12, and folic acid ]are water-soluble and therefore vulnerable to loss via excessive urination caused by diabetes. The loss of B vitamins dramatically increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.Low levels of B6 can cause glucose intolerance, depression, cracked lips, and dry skin. A B12 deficiency may have no obvious symptoms at first, but over time it can produce mental disturbances, anemia, and impaired nerve function. A lack of folic acid may bring on depression, forgetfulness, insomnia, irritability, and fatigue.

The next nutrient flushed out of the body by excessive urination caused by diabetes areAntioxidants. People with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are routinely low in virtually all of the water-soluble antioxidants, and those with type 2 diabetes are often low in fat-soluble vitamins A and E. At the same time, high blood sugar causes severe oxidative stress, which consumes whatever antioxidants are available. If antioxidants are not liberally replaced, then free radical damage is accelerated.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant and vulnerable to urinary losses as well as poor cellular uptake. Blood cell levels of vitamin C are often substantially decreased in people with diabetes. As you probably know, severe vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, which leads to bleeding gums, bruising, and poor wound healing. Furthermore, lack of vitamin C is linked with susceptibility to infection.

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