
A$AP ROCKY home Hit In Armed Robbery ... More Than $1 Mil Taken

A$AP Rocky's crib got rolled Tuesday night by armed robbers ... The media learned.The incident went down around 11:30 PM and, according to law enforcement sources, 3 male suspects knocked on the door to his L.A. home. When a woman answered, they pulled a gun and forced their way into the house.

We're told the men grabbed the woman and took her around the house while they scooped up a ton of loot -- about $1.5 million in jewelry and other property.
They also took a safe, but left it on the sidewalk for some reason before bolting in their getaway vehicle.
Sources say it looks like this was not a random hit, but rather the suspects targeted the rapper.
To that point ... late Tuesday, A$AP posted a video showing one of his buddies dropping a ton of cash into a bill counter.

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