
Baby Boy’s Stomach ‘Tumor’ Incredibly Turns Out to be Parasitic Twin

Medics operating to remove a “tumor” from a baby were astonished to discover it was actually the child’s twin inside his tummy. The 3-month-old baby was admitted to the hospital for treatment of a kidney mass after his parents noticed his stomach was swelling up.
But when doctors operated, they found a 2-pound parasite twin — complete with eyes and skin — that was feeding off the baby.
The condition, known as “fetus in fetu,” is caused by the incomplete separation of twins, when one fails to grow and instead becomes an internal part of the healthy twin.

It is believed there are only 200 reported cases of the rare condition worldwide.
Dr. S.P. Sharma, who cared for the baby, said: “The baby was wrongly diagnosed with a tumor.”
“We were surprised and shocked to see a malformed fetus inside his stomach.”
“We have successfully operated to remove the parasite twin out of his body.”
“The baby is recovering well after the operation.”
“He has been shifted to ICU.
“We hope to discharge him sometime by the end of this week.”

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