
5 Awesome Reasons why you Should be Your own Best Friend

True friends are awesome people who can brighten up your day with few words and actions, they help a lot in making the version of yourself.
You can always add one more person to your list of best friends...that one person should be YOU! Reason?  Friends come and go but you have been with you and will be with you till the day you breathe your last.
You have to be your own best friend first before because there so many things about you that only you can understand and what could more awesome than that?
Here are 5 reasons why you should be your own best friend:

  1. Because who else knows you better than you know yourself?: You should be your own friend because you are the one who knows yourself best! Yes, you can go to your friends for help, advice, or motivation. But it is you in the end who makes the final decision to accept that help, or take your own advice, for you know what you truly need. Your body is your body, your mind is your mind, and your heart is your heart. So if you want a friend who knows exactly what you are feeling, and is always there when you need them, go ahead and turn to yourself. No, this does not mean that you are fully independent and don't need anyone else. This means that you are willing to be there for yourself, and comfort yourself. Also that you are willing to love yourself unconditionally and accept everything that you are.
  2. Friends may come and go, but you got yourself an entire lifetime: We all know that if not most, some of our friends tend to come and go. For many of us tend to live our lives and take different paths, and loose connection with old friends. Yes, this is sad, but like I mentioned earlier, you do have a friend that will never leave your side. You just have to let them be your friend. You have to learn to listen to yourself, take your own advice, motivate yourself,  and comfort yourself. You can't keep being mean to yourself, or putting yourself down. You should be a good friend to yourself, and make sure you never leave yourself hanging, or left in despair! Lift yourself up, and motivate yourself to keep moving forward, for that's what friends are for!!
  3. Because you deserve your own kindness: Friends are kind and love to cheer us up, and you deserve this kind of friendship with yourself! You should be able to call yourself "flawless" and compliment yourself in the morning like "I woke up like this!" You are beautiful, so cherish that and believe it! Also it's ok to give yourself compliments on how you look or how well you did on something. I mean why not? If you are proud of yourself, go ahead and express that to yourself, in whatever way you want. It may be by giving compliments, taking yourself shopping, celebrating, or just staying home alone and enjoying a nice bubble bath!
  4. It's your job to love and motivate yourself, no one else's!:Yes, so many of us ladies have set in stone that it is others jobs to motivate us or make us feel better about ourselves. But this is not true. Actually it is your job to understand your worth, and motivate yourself to be the best you, you could possibly be! Now, nice people will always motivate you and make you feel important which is fine, just don't rely on them to make you feel that way. You should not depend on outside influence or complements to make you feel valued, for you should understand how much you are worth (which is A LOT) and be perfectly satisfied with just that.
  5. Because it's cool to be besties with yourself: Finally, it's actually really cool being your own best friend! You may think it's weird, because "what would others think." But trust me, people will admire the way you love yourself, and don't need outside validation. They will see how confident you are, and want to know why you are so confident. Yes, there may also be those haters who just think you are crazy, but who cares what they think, for you can live however and be whoever you want to be! So go ahead and be your best friend! I promise you, you will not regret it! If you've felt lonely lately or just need a true friend, look at your reflection and try to connect with that beautiful person looking back at you. Go give yourself a try, and learn to be besties with yourself, and always motivate other ladies to be their own besties as well!

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