Showing posts with label ADVICE CORNER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ADVICE CORNER. Show all posts


3 Easy Peasy Ways To Be More Productive

Who would not like to be more productive and efficient in a way that saves us time, effort, and removes some stress in our lives? Of course everyone would like to accomplish and achieve more in their day, especially with the busy-ness of nowadays. Productivity is a very important thing that everyone is looking for productivity; whether it is at work, home, or in general, day to day activities and tasks.


According to Research, Social Media Obsession Linked To Depression

The pressure on teenagers to be always available on social media can lead to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, according to a new report.


The Best Age To Get Married (According To Science)

If marriage is in your future, you may be interested to know that your chances of getting divorced could be linked to the age at which you get hitched. And, new stats suggest that saying your vows later in life isn’t necessarily better, reports Yahoo Health.


How to Reinvent Yourself to be a Better You

Want to reinvent yourself for a better you? Here are 15 steps that can help you along the way. Whether you are seeking to change your outside appearance or seeking to change your perspective, you need to find out what works best for you.
From being confident to practicing mindfulness, from changing your diet to finding your niche, reinventing yourself to be a better you in right in front of you whenever you want to give it a go. Read on further and let us know what you have done on your journey to changing your life for the better!


5 Things Your Divorce Attorney Wants To Tell You But Doesn't

The relationship you have with your lawyer is sacrosanct. When you retain a lawyer, whether for a divorce or another issue, the lawyer is ethically charged with holding what you say to him/her as confidential. That means your attorney cannot talk about your case in public or to third parties without your consent.


7 Qualities That Makes you a 'Good' Person

According to Neecey Beresford of All Women Stalk, with basic good manners falling by the wayside, celebrities with no apparent talent being worshipped as icons, lack of religion/faith, teenage pregnancies, high divorce rates and so many other social issues, how, in these days, do we know if we are a good person?

6 Reasons Strong, Sensitive men Make the Best Husbands

Women will always say they want to have a relationship with a man who's strong and knows all they want and need.
These are two different characteristics and finding someone who has both is the best thing ever.


Ways to Keep Your Relationship Drama-Free

The average human loves drama, doesn't matter if it's in a relationship or something that should easily be forgotten.

11 subtle things that make men go crazy over their women

When a man is falling in love with a woman, there are many small or less obvious things about her and her personality that will bring a smile — not only to his face, but also to his heart.
If you are wondering some things your man loves about you but hasn't told you, here are some clues to what he thinks about when he looks at you:


7 Effective Ways to Prevent Jealousy From Ruining Your Relationship

To be jealous makes you human but when it becomes too excessive, it could cause irreparable damage to your relationship and self-esteem.
Jealousy could scatter your thoughts in different parts and bring out the ugliness in you. But to curb it, you'll need to collect and rearrange the way you think.
As difficult as it is, you'll have to train and practice how to think differently and you'll be be surprised that it'll be a part of you in no time. No matter how bad your emotions get, you're strong enough to control them.
Below are 7 few tricks to help you overcome your jealousy:

7 Loyal Traits all Couples Need to Have

Finding a loyal partner is one of most important factors in having a long lasting relationship. Having a loyal person by your side takes your mind off worry and keeps you focused on your relationship goals.
A loyal partner knows you are the most important person in his/her life and expects you to reciprocate the loyalty.
Our Author lists those important traits you'll find in a loyal partner from a woman's point of view:


4 Simple Things That Happy Single Women do Daily

There are more single people in the U.S. than happily married couples—and trust us when we say not all of them are discouraged by their single status. In fact, a lot of them are damn proud of it. How do they get there? It's simple: They employ a few daily habits that keep them positive.
 Here are four things most single women does;

7 Things People With Emotional Toughness do Differently

No two people no matter how alike they look, are made of the same inner quality. Some are stronger than others especially when it comes to overcoming emotional challenges.
They can snap out of a difficult situation without issues. So how do they gain this confidence to do so?
These are 7 qualities that make these people stand out;


25 Unmistakable Signs He's in Love With You

Some signs of true love are subtle. Others? Well, they all but hit you over the head with obviousness. If you're blissfully happy and searching for signs that your guy is hooked on you too, these 25 signs will make it crystal clear.


8 Ways to Cope With Conflict at Work

For people who don't work remotely, it is agreeable that you spend more time with your colleagues than immediate families.
Since we get to mix with people from different backgrounds and experiences, opinions may clash from time to time. And this could be really tough to handle especially when emotions are involved.
How do you make this better when your self-control is tested by co-workers.
Here are 8 ways you can cope with conflicts at work:

5 Real Reasons why Hanging on to Your Ex Kills Your new Relationship

You break up with your ex for all the right reasons then finally have the courage to move on to something new and months into your new blissful relationship, your ex suddenly appears trying to squeeze his/herself back into your life.
It starts with the harmless phone calls before it proceeds to something worse. You know you've a hard time resisting because you can't completely get your ex out of your system and you know if you continue on that path, you'll destroy your new relationship and maybe yourself in the process.
So how do you handle these types of exes when they come around?
Our author gives 5 reasons why hanging on to your Ex will destroy your relationship and how to handle the situation effectively:


7 Ways Overthinking can Destroy Your Love Life

It's okay to think but thinking too much can ruin everything you set your heart out to do especially when it comes to relationships.
Overthinking can put you in a bad mood which would in turn affect those around you and has a high tendency of ruining the good thing you have going with your partner.
Few ways over thinking can destroy your love life:


7 Simple Ways to Tell the Difference if you are Arrogant or Confident

The truth is many people confuse arrogance for confidence and vise versa. While confidence is one of the key factors to be successful in life, arrogance is a recipe for disaster.
But being over-confident could lead to arrogance which will give you an opposite of the result you solely desire by driving people far away from you.

6 Honest Dating Tips for Strongly Independent People

Many people have been single for so long, they have a vague idea about what it's like to share or adjust in a relationship.
As much as you want to be independent, you really don't want to remain single all your life. So it's high time you let go of some behaviours which may sabotage your relationship if you are ready to have one.


11 Habits of the Most Irresistible People

Some people, regardless of what they lack — money, looks, or social connections — always radiate with energy and confidence.
Even the most skeptical individuals find themselves enamored with these charming personalities.
These people are the life of every party. They're the ones you turn to for help, advice, and companionship.
You just can't get enough of them, and they leave you asking yourself, "What do they have that I don't? What makes them so irresistible?"
The difference? Their sense of self-worth comes from within.
Irresistible people aren't constantly searching for validation, because they're confident enough to find it in themselves. There are certain habits they pursue every day to maintain this healthy perspective.
Since being irresistible isn't the result of dumb luck, it's time to study the habits of irresistible people so that you can use them to your benefit.
Get ready to say "hello" to a new, more irresistible you.