
6 Reasons Strong, Sensitive men Make the Best Husbands

Women will always say they want to have a relationship with a man who's strong and knows all they want and need.
These are two different characteristics and finding someone who has both is the best thing ever.There are no set relationship rules and as the world is evolving, it's gets more confusing to determine if your man is the old-school strong and silent type — or if he's a more sensitive modern man or a mixture of both.
Our author lists a few things to note when you realize your man is strong and sensitive:
  1. He cares about animals and children. Yep, he likes traditional "guy stuff" but he also enjoys hanging out with his nieces and nephews. He might also volunteer for the local animal welfare organization. Respect both sides of his interests.
  2. He might pull away to hide feelings (but he still has them).Men aren't as likely to eat a pint of chocolate ice cream or talk to friends for hours about their feelings when upset. But that doesn't mean things that happen (at work, with you) don't hurt them deeply. They’re much more likely to distract themselves or isolate.
  3. He takes criticism very personally. Does he stop texting after an argument? Does he leave the house if you're critical? Just because he doesn't sound off about the harsh thing you said doesn't mean your criticism didn't go straight through his heart, so chose your words carefully (just like you expect him to do for you).
  4. He might prefer a career in the helping professions.  Whether he's a teacher or running a nonprofit, most men who work to serve others or who create (everything from paintings to houses) tend fall more on the sensitive side. They also tend to possess big picture thinking.
  5. He has strong morals and principles. Does your man have passion for politics? Equal rights? Does he hate movies in which the nice guy loses? All signs that he’s sensitive, disdains inequity and injustice, and has a more open mind than you might think.
  6. Best of all — he's appreciative! Of Beauty. Of Life. Of YOU. Sensitive men remember your birthday, they want to please you in bed, and they care what you think and feel.  

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