
How to Deal With an Angry Partner

Some people cannot control their anger and if you do not know how to deal with tense situations, you might make it worse.

In life, you will be faced with situations that might require you to diffuse tension or anger.
Some people cannot control their anger and if you do not know how to deal with tense situations, you might make it worse.
If your partner gets angry, here are some tips that can help you diffuse his or her temper.
1. Always wear a smile, when you talk with an angry person. It will calm them down.
2. Try not to respond with anger.  Make sure you are relaxed when you are talking with an angry person and respond calmly and intelligently.
3. Do not offer an opinion if it was not solicited.
4. Try to take their attention away from the issue that got them angry. It might not walk all the time though.
5. Deal with the issues and not the person.
6. Seek for help, if the anger gets out of control.
7. Show concern.

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