
Questions you Should ask Yourself Before Getting Married

Marriage like any other endeavour in life needs serious planning. You need to think it through very well before going in.
Many times, you hear people say they feel trapped in their marriage. They no longer feel excited about their partner. So they decide to opt out of the marriage.

Marriage like any other endeavour in life needs serious planning. You need to think it through very well before going in.
Here are some questions you need to ask yourself to make sure you are sure of what you are getting into.
1. Are you giving in to pressure? Many people go into marriage because of pressure from the family or peers. They end up regretting it later.
2. Is it the right timing? Marriage is responsibility.  It might be a distraction, if not well planned.
3. Are you ready for commitment? In marriage you are required to give 100%. So if your answer is no, just stay.
4. Can your finances take care of the two of you? Money is the major cause of problem in most marriages.
5. Are you both emotionally sable? Emotional baggages from previous relationships can block bonding.
6. Have you gotten over your ex?
7. Do you still depend on mummy and daddy to make decisions? When you get married, every decision is taken by you and your spouse. No third parties.
8. Are your parents in support of the marriage? If they are not, end it.
9. Are we sexually compatible? Ask questions about sexual preferences to know how you fit in.
10. Do you trust each other?

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