
7 Ways you can Push Yourself Never to Quit

Do you always feel defeated especially when you are striving towards something really important to your development?

As long as you put your mind to it, you can always overcome these hurdles that look impossible from the beginning.

Below are 7 things you can do to push yourself towards that set goal:
  1. Remind yourself of the end result: When you’re in the midst of struggling toward a certain goal, the temptation to quit can be strong. That’s because you’re at the hardest part. You usually have a lot of motivation at the #beginning, but it can begin to fizzle when the newness wears off. Picturing the end result can help you stay motivated to keep striving for your goal. You can do it!
  2. Encourage yourself when you're feeling weak: Sometimes the best person to encourage you is yourself. You can’t always wait for others to do it. It’s good when a friend can come along and give you the encouragement you need but don’t wait on that. Besides, you know what you need to hear better than anyone else does. Give yourself the specific encouragement you need to stay the course.
  3. See how far you've already come: When you’re feeling discouraged and you want to quit then it’s #time to look back. You’ll see how far you’ve come and all the progress you’ve made. You can’t give up now! You’re on your way to reaching your goal. Others may be even looking up to you because they’re so inspired. You don’t want to let them, or yourself, down.
  4. Prove your strength to yourself: Sometimes monitoring your own progress can help you persevere. Make it a goal to prove your strength and perseverance to yourself. After all, it’s more important to impress yourself than to impress others. Think about the confidence boost that you’ll have when you reach your #goal. You’ll feel powerful and strong within yourself.
  5. Reward yourself well and often: Here’s the deal on rewards. They work, plain and simple. If I’m working toward something that’s difficult to attain, promising myself rewards is very motivating. It can even be a small reward just to give you the motivation to keep going. And don’t wait until you hit your final #goal before you reward yourself; plan rewards all along the way.
  6. Look around for inspiration: Who do you know that did the very thing you’re trying to do? That’s the person you need to #look to for inspiration. Talk to them and get their tips and advice. After all, they’re an expert on the subject. Their wisdom could give you the push you need to keep going.
  7. Think of the sense of accomplishment you're going to have: Nothing is better than the sense of accomplishment you’re going to have at the end of your journey. When you keep going and don’t give in to the temptation to quit, you’ll get there. That sense of accomplishment is better than any reward along the way, as enjoyable as they may be. You’ll have a sense of pride in yourself, too. Those positive feelings can give you motivation to work toward other goals in your life.

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