Kylie Jenner Opens up on the Tragedy Caused by her mom at her Tender age of 14

If you've ever wondered why Kylie Jenner is only 17 years old and allowed to cavort with men nearly 10 years her senior ... or how it's possible that she owns and maintains her own private residence ... then you need only to look as far as mom, Kris Jenner. In a recent interview, Kylie talked about her mother ... who she says cut her off financially at the ripe old age of 14. While you're picking your jaw up off the floor -- or scrambling to get those errant pennies out of the couch before ol' Ma Dukes comes to vacuum -- suck on this a second: Kylie even has to buy her own food, for crying out loud:
"[My mother] cut me off financially three years ago so I pay for everything – my car, my gas and food as well as my clothes. There are so many outfits I bought in the past that I just think now are NOT cute – but there’s not very much I can do about it!"
So, there you have it. If you've ever wondered what the world would be like if a young teenager were able to make all of her own decisions, just glance over in Kylie Jenner's direction. This is where that kind of thing gets you.
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