
Couple Adopts Triplets Just 1 Week Before Learning They're Expecting Twins

Andy and Sarah Justice wanted nothing more than to have a baby, but after struggling to conceive for years, they decided to look into other option. With IVF costing between $30,000–60,000, the Justices decided to look into adoption. They were soon paired with a birth mother.
When Sarah arrived at the first ultrasound, doctors revealed the expecting mother was indeed pregnant — with triplets! Sarah couldn’t have been more thrilled. Born two months early and weighing only 3 pounds each, the babies — Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth — stayed in the neonatal intensive care.
A week later, Sarah began to feel sick and scheduled a doctor’s appointment. He confirmed her suspicion. She was pregnant — with twins!
“We were very happy. Did we panic a little? Of course. But we were very happy,” she told TulsaWorld. “We really felt this was something God wanted us to do. And sometimes, when you follow God’s will in one thing, it leads to the next thing.”
The Justice family grew from two to seven in less than a year after welcoming Abigail and Andrew. According to the couple, the children go through 84 bottles and 300 diapers a week! While they have their hands full — and barely sleep — Andy and Sarah wouldn’t want it any other way. They consider their babies a blessing, adding that “God has a great sense of humor.”

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