
Woman Gives Birth on Transit in a Train And Names Baby After Good Samarithan

Passengers on Amtrak's busy New York to Washington DC line are used to delays, but when their train made an unscheduled stop before the Philadelphia, PA, station, there were cheers rather than grumbling.Eighteen minutes earlier, Sheera Lowe had entered the train's cafe car after she started to feel what she thought were contractions. The eight-months-pregnant mom was traveling home to Philadelphia after visiting her husband in North Carolina where he was recently transferred for work. The couple's 4-year-old daughter, Aaliyah, thankfully decided to stay with her dad rather than travel home with her mom.
While sitting on the train, Sheera found herself sweaty and cramping and began to think that her water had broken. She made her way to the cafe car and noticed one woman who was not plugged into a phone or device and asked her for some help. Amtrak employees then cleared the car and alerted the conductor. But as paramedics made their way onto the train at the unexpected stop, Sheera informed them that she couldn't move — the baby was coming. Three pushes later, 8-pound, 5-ounce Trinity Christina Stokes was born to cheers of "It's a girl!" from the Amtrak employees in the car. Trinity was immediately wrapped in paper towels and sheets of aluminum foil from the cafe. Her middle name was given in honor of the good Samaritan who stood by Sheena's side throughout the ordeal.
"She wouldn't leave my side in the whole thing," Sheena later told The Washington Post. "I'm so happy and so grateful she stayed."
The mom said she was nervous about her fellow passengers' reactions about being delayed, but "when she left the train at Aberdeen, they were standing outside smiling, clapping, and congratulating her."

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