
Schoolteachers ‘Saved’ Children From Gunman in California Shooting

A gunman who killed four people on Tuesday in rural California fired into an elementary school but was stopped from entering by teachers, police say.Staff at Rancho Tehama Reserve School went into lockdown, securing school doors after hearing nearby gunshots.
Authorities praised the teachers' actions as "monumental" in saving "countless" lives.
Police confirmed one child was shot at the school after the gunman fired into it. Others were hurt by broken glass.
Police later confronted the gunman in a stolen vehicle, shooting and killing him. He was named locally as 43-year-old Kevin Neal.
semi-automatic rifle and two handguns were recovered from one of the crime scenes, police said. At least 10 people were injured in the shootings at multiple locations.
Police said he chose most of the victims at random, and reportedly shot into the school but became frustrated after the teachers' locked the doors and left after six minutes.
It is believed the school was alerted after a mother was shot at in her car while driving her children to school. She was reportedly seriously wounded but not killed.

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